Creative Literature Content

Creative Poem by Thokozani Ndinisa from South Africa

Inner Peace

How sweet you are, my darling…
As you make sure I have peace of mind
Yes, you look after me, and you take care of my needs.
Without you…
Inner Peace, I am nothing in this world.
Each day I see you becoming more closer to my heart and soul
As you always stand by my side at all times!

Life without you…
It’s like sugar without tea
Inner Peace I value you and I cherish you with all of my heart.
You have made us to be at peace…
Even when we are passing through stressful moments, inner peace!
Inner Peace gives me joy and happiness within my soul.
I can’t imagine how life was going to be without your inner peace.
I am grateful to share my life with you, inner peace…
You are my source of strength and wisdom,
As you always give me hope in the middle of the storms I pass through in this world.

Copyright: Thokozani Ndinisa Creative Literature Content Production

Creative Series of Quotes with Thokozani Ndinisa from South Africa

The lesser you can reveal who you are, it’s the more people will wonder who you really are

The lesser you don’t talk too much, It’s the more people will be asking more questions about you

The lesser you don’t reveal your identity, it’s the more people will try to find your real identity

The lesser you don’t give more details about who you are, it’s the more people will try to seek more details about who you are

The more you don’t talk too much, it’s the more people will attempt to find what can make you to talk too much

The lesser you reveal more identity about your family, it’s the more people will attempt to know more about your family

Copyright: Thokozani Ndinisa Creative Content Production

Series of Quotes by Thokozani Ndinisa

We look strong outside but inside we are dying slowly

We look strong outside, but inside we are crying out loud for help

We look strong outside but inside our hearts we are loosing it slowly

We look strong outside but inside our hearts we don’t have anyone whom we can trust with our situations since people have chosen not to be trustworthy in our generation

We look strong outside but deep down in our hearts we wish we could find someone who we can trust with our painful experiences we encounter in this world

We look strong outside but deep down our hearts we have noticed that some people are not trustworthy to handle our painful situations

We look strong outside but inside our hearts something’s we become afraid

Copyright Thokozani Ndinisa Creative Literature Content Production


Creative Literature Poem by Thokozani Ndinisa from South Africa

Title: Peace

The world without Peace is like tea without sugar…
One Peace departure from our nation,
People will kill one another
While other’s will live by fear…
Without peace in the whole universe…
There’s no freedom for humanity
As some people rights will be oppressed by other’s

Peace, it’s what I pray for in this world every day….
Peace it’s what can make this world a better place for everyone
Peace it’s what we need to see happening all over the world!

Once Peace manifests itself….
People will not abuse each other, neither will they ever hate each other…
Yes, peace is capable to bring recognition between people who are fighting against each other….
Peace be still among politicians
Peace be still among nation’s
Peace be still among families!

Let Peace ruin and rule everywhere there are human beings
Our world need peacemaker
Not people who love to start new fights.
It’s possible we have Peace among each other as human beings

Copyright: Thokozani Ndinisa Creative Literature Content Production

Creative Literature Article by Thokozani Ndinisa

The love of a caring mother

How sweet it’s to be loved and raise up by a caring mother…
I can’t deny that not all mothers are caring and responsible towards their children, as we can see in our day and age some mothers has abandoned their children while others choose not to give their children a chance to be born in this world. To have a mother who cares for you, it’s one of the greatest gift you can ever find in this world. Learn to be grateful for the efforts your mother is going or which she has ever done to make sure you become a better person in this world. I am aware that to some of us live to without a mother it’s not easy since once your mother is no more life starts to be more difficult, especially when you were sharing lot’s things with your lovely mother. A mother, she is one of the greatest gifts humanity has ever had in this world. The love of a mother is divine and unconditional. Her love can’t be measured, neither does her love have boundaries. She is capable to strengthen her children and to raise them to become better individuals in this world. We are truly grateful to have wonderful and spectacular mothers who have not abandoned their role of being best mother’s towards their children in this world. I can’t imagine how life could be without the world having responsible mothers. It’s our duty as humanity to honor and celebrate all incredible mothers out there. Remember the love of a caring mother it’s not found that easy and not every mother out there has unconditional love for her children, so let us value the love we receive from all loving mothers who are surrounding our lives in this world.

Copyright Thokozani Ndinisa Creative Literature Content Production

Creative Series of Quotes:

Sometimes to preach to yourself, its one of the best thing in this world

Sometimes to motivate yourself, it does bring revival in your inner soul

Sometimes speak to yourself and be honest to yourself

Sometimes just spend time with yourself and correct your faults before the world does

Sometimes, never lie to yourself and learn not to defend your faults or mistakes

Sometimes don’t lie to yourself so that you will not pretend to be something that you are not

Copyright: Thokozani Ndinisa Creative Literature Content Production

Series of Creative Quotes with Evangelist Thokozani Ndinisa

Pray in the midst of confusion

Pray in the midst of your soul being overwhelmed with sorrows

Pray in the midst of your soul overwhelmed with joy and happiness

Pray even when everything is not falling apart in your life

Pray in your lunchtime

Pray in your evening hour’s

Pray even when things fall apart in your life

Pray even when you don’t fell well

Pray in the morning, and thank God for his grace

Pray in the midst of troubles

Pray in the middle of persecution

Pray in the moment of passing through rejection

Pray in the moments of facing painful moments in your life

Copyright: Thokozani Ndinisa Creative Literature Content Production

Food for thought and meditation teaching with Thokozani Ndinisa

The violence

Violence makes people to do crazy things and to take things from other people by an extreme force.

Violence It’s an action that’s intended to cause :
1. Destruction into someone life
2. To make someone to feel hurt or a pain
3. Someone to suffer in a painful way in this world!

It’s so painful to watch what is happening in our society. Young boy’s has chosen to live by guns and gunshots has become the order of the day. If we live like this, where are we going as a nation? As it seems, there’s no future for tomorrow. Remember, the youth is the future of tomorrow and without them there’s no future in this world. So, now if the same youth decides to live by guns and to kill each, where is the future of our nations? Violence has never been a good thing at all, and it’s destroying families and communities almost every second it’s happening in this world. It breaks my heart to witness young people deciding to violate another person rights of freedom in this world. Every human being has a right to feel safe and protected in this world. Violence has changed how things used to be in this world, as we can see in our communities gunshots are starting to become our lifestyle as we hear them almost every second or day in our communities. The world has become something else, as there’s no longer a safe community in our generation. Even place which we knew they were safe for anyone to live in them, has become the most dangerous place to live in as there is too much of criminal activities that are happening in those cities or townships. Every so often you will witness people fighting on the streets and hurting each other like nobody business. We can’t deny the fact that some young people saw violence first in their parent’s house and now some are practicing it presently on the streets against innocent people. It’s so important parent’s start to be good role model towards their children. Violence should not happen indoors or outside families, even on the streets we don’t need to see violent people.

Violence has power :
◇ To influence someone behavior
◇ To destroy someone mental health
◇ Influence someone to start to do many wrong things in this world
◇ To mislead people lives
◇ To make someone to bully others
◇ To make someone to have hatred towards another human being
◇ To make someone to be cruel and not friendly towards anyone in this world
◇ To turn a young boy or girl to be a criminal at a very young age
◇ To mess up a person life in many ways

Our generation needs to arise and say no to violence. We need young people who will be responsible and love their communities. We can’t deny most people who are causing these gunshots and robbery activities are young people and some of young adults in our society, but this needs to come to an end before we could lose many young boys. Remember, criminals end up in prison or in the grave if they don’t repent from their evil ways. It’s so painful to watch young boys living by robbing other people before our eye’s. Criminals of our generation are no longer afraid to do robbery during the day. To be honest, I have witnessed two people being robbery during the day, and also I was once being robbed around 12:00pm during the day by two young boys. I remember very well one boy was holding a gun and the other a knife, but I wasn’t afraid at all. Guess what? They didn’t take my life, but they did manage to take my phone. So, it’s still heartbreaking to witness young people who think that to do crime is the best way to make a living in this world. I will be honest with you, crime doesn’t pay, but it will always lead you straight to prison or to your early grave if you don’t repent from it. We have witnessed young people killing each other in these criminal activities that are happening in our generation. It’s better to be seen as a fool by not doing criminal activities than to find yourself in your own graveyard because of doing crime. In conclusion, let us run away from violence and to abuse another human being in this world. Love your own community and protect it wherever you are in this world.

Copyright: Thokozani Ndinisa Creative Literature Content Production in South Africa

Find me on Facebook at : Thokozani Ndinisa The Author & Writer

The Legacy Production2022
Or Thokozani Ndinisa

Food for thought and meditation teaching with Thokozani Ndinisa

The downfall of leaders

We can’t the fact that we have seen many people falling in their Leadership positions in this world. We are grateful to have leaders who are willing to serve the duties in each position they are leading in this world:

Here are some of the things that contribute towards the downfall of leaders:

  1. Corruption
  2. The abuse of power
  3. Wrong association of Leadership
  4. Negative influence from friends and family
  5. Lack of knowledge and skills on how to lead people
  6. Arrogance
  7. Pride
  8. To be a womanizer,
  9. Falling to listen towards your followers,
  10. To fail to take or follow instructions or laws as a leaders,
  11. To always misled your followers,
  12. Lack of communication,
  13. The love of power
  14. A negative tongue,
  15. Self-deception
  16. Wrong motives
  17. Lack of wisdom,
  18. Wrong delegation
  19. The love of money,
  20. Evil plots against another person in leadership,
  21. Unhealthy competition among leaders,
  22. Paying back evil for evil
  23. Lack of love for the people whom you are leading as am individual.

Now I would like to share these series of quotes:

Leadership is about putting the needs of someone first

Leadership it’s not for toddlers

Leadership is about respecting other people

Leadership is about being gentle and kind towards everyone whom you are leading

Leadership is about loving people unconditional at all times

Leadership is about having the interests of your followers at
heart as a leader

Leadership is about serving the needs of people

Leadership is not about feeding your stomach as a leader

Leadership is about serving the things which you were elected for by the people

Leadership should never be done for selfish reasons

Leadership, it’s for accountable and responsible individuals

Leadership it’s for competition

Leadership it’s seen by it’s fruits

Leaders it’s not for cowards

Leadership it’s not for the faint-hearted

Leadership it’s for bold and courageous individuals

Leadership sometimes it’s going to build you up in many ways

Wise leaders are full of discipline

Wise leaders are full of knowledge

Wise leaders are full of wisdom

Wise leaders will never mislead their faithful

Wise leaders will never take followers where they have never went first

Wise leaders are bold and fearless

Wise leaders don’t corrupt their followers

Wise leaders are not full of pride

Wise leaders are humble and gentle

Wise leaders are not corrupt either do they believe in doing corruption

Wise leaders are full of wisdom and understanding in everything they do
Wise leaders know how to serve other’s

Wise leaders are not selfish

Wise leaders are not destroyers, but they are capable to build up other’s

Wise leader’s don’t ruin raw talent

Copyright: Creative Literature Content Production in South Africa

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